Angelina Jolie turned heads at the 2025 Golden Globes, attending the event with her daughter Zahara in a stunning mother-daughter moment on the red carpet. Angelina, 49, dazzled in a semi-sheer silver gown with a daring front slit, while Zahara, who will celebrate her 20th birthday later this week, looked elegant in a white dress adorned with black tree branch designs.
The pair shared a sweet moment, gazing warmly at each other as they posed for photos. This marks one of their first high-profile appearances together since Angelina finalized her divorce from Brad Pitt last month, ending a legal journey that began over eight years ago.
While Zahara was originally adopted by both Angelina and Brad, she now goes by Zahara Jolie, signaling a more distant relationship with Brad. Angelina, meanwhile, is nominated for her performance as Maria Callas in Maria, cementing her status as a leading actress in Hollywood.
Despite the divorce finalization, Angelina reportedly waived spousal and family support from Brad, focusing on moving forward with her life and children. Brad was not in attendance at the awards show, but Angelina and Zahara seemed to be enjoying their glamorous night out together.