Nicolas Cage and Riko Shibata brought classic Hollywood glamour to the 2025 Golden Globes red carpet. The 60-year-old actor looked dashing in a timeless black tuxedo and bowtie, while Riko stole the spotlight with her elegant black fur shawl and intricately beaded dress. Her look was completed with a gold handbag and a bold red lip that added a vibrant touch.
The couple exuded sophistication as they posed for photos, making their red-carpet moment a highlight of the evening. Nicolas is set to present during the ceremony, adding to the excitement of their glamorous date night.
The 2025 Golden Globes, hosted by Nikki Glaser, promises a star-studded evening celebrating the best in film and television, with top nominees including Emilia Perez, The Brutalist, and The Bear. Fans are eager to see more of Nicolas and Riko as the show unfolds!