David Schwimmer shared a hilarious anecdote from his teenage years during his appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on January 13. The 58-year-old actor reminisced about working as a process server one summer after his freshman year in college, a job he took at the suggestion of his mom, who was a divorce lawyer. Schwimmer described the job as feeling like “James Bond” as he would get “tipped off” about the whereabouts of people to serve them divorce papers.
One of his most memorable encounters was serving divorce papers to none other than British rockstar Rod Stewart. Schwimmer laughed as he recalled, “Once, oh man, thank goodness I’ve never run into him since, but I served Rod Stewart. I don’t even know if he knows. I don’t think he knows.” Colbert joked, advising Schwimmer to watch out because Stewart might now seek revenge if they cross paths.
While Schwimmer didn’t confirm the details of who was divorcing Stewart at the time, it’s worth noting that Stewart divorced his first wife, Alana Stewart, in 1984, around the same time Schwimmer turned 18.
In addition to the funny story, Schwimmer also revealed he turned down a major movie role, piquing interest about which blockbuster he passed on.