Sophia Anne Caruso, the talented 23-year-old actress, is set to join the second season of *One Piece*, the live-action Netflix adaptation of the hit manga series. This marks her return to Netflix, where she previously starred in the 2022 film *The School for Good and Evil*, based on Soman Chainani’s book series.
In *One Piece*, Sophia will portray Miss Goldenweek (also known as Marianne), an officer agent for Baroque Works and a partner to Mr. 3. Her role adds to the already exciting cast of the upcoming season, which also welcomes Anton David Jetha as K.M. and Mark Penwill as Chess, according to Deadline.
Sophia’s career has also seen success on Broadway, where she originated the role of Lydia Deetz in the 2019 musical *Beetlejuice*. Fans are sure to be thrilled by her addition to the *One Piece* cast as the series continues to expand!