“The Great British Bake Off” (or The Great British Baking Show in the U.S. and Canada) has captured the hearts of viewers worldwide since its debut in 2010. Over the course of 14 seasons, the show has featured amateur bakers competing in a series of challenging baking tasks, with one contestant named “Star Baker” each week and ultimately crowning a season champion.
In addition to their victory on the show, many of the winners have enjoyed successful careers, publishing cookbooks, starring in TV specials, and securing lucrative endorsement deals. As the show continues to thrive, its winners also gain significant popularity, especially on social media platforms like Instagram.
For the debut of Season 15, a list has been compiled to rank the most popular winners based on their Instagram followers. This ranking sheds light on which “Bake Off” champion has gained the most traction online, reflecting both their fame and influence in the culinary world.
The slideshow featuring the list includes well-known names like Nadiya Hussain, John Whaite, Candice Brown, and Giuseppe Dell’Anno, showcasing the ongoing success of the show’s beloved former contestants.